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Gomes, Eduardo Biacchi; Massuchin, Barbara Andrzejewski (07-2010)
Discorre sobre a conferência de Copenhague, seus antecedentes e o envolvimento das nações nas causas ambientais e nas relativas a direitos fundamentais. Tece considerações sobre a expectativa e as consequências geradas pela conferência.; "Cooperation in environmental matter and for sustainable development is not a recent issue. Initially the cooperation considered all the states as equals, what hasn't brought many advances. The changes began to consolidate when differences were in fact acknowledged between the States and it has been considered in the various agreements on climate changes. The world demands the formulation of a sound and efficient climate policy, therefore the states have been gathering at the United Nations ambit. Recently more than a hundred states gathered in Copenhagen for a new Agreement. Even without unanimity, the agreement was recognized by the UN, but the efficiency of such agreement will be verified over the years to follow and only if the international community will be willing to make concessions searching for the development in its full shape. The insertion of the politics turned to the protection of the environment as in the international field as in the internal one is a essential conduct to be observed by the States, and its effectuation will only occur as long as the protection to the environment be treated as a norm of human rights and of fundamental rights, in the international and internal fields, respectively."

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