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Yamada, Kátia Naomi (2000)
“[...] um esboço simples e claro das condições da ação e os pressupostos processuais. Inicia-se o trabalho com uma breve noção do conceito de ação e direito de ação, para após realizar um estudo sobre cada uma das condições da ação e dos pressupostos processuais, traçando uma visão esquemática do que venham a ser, suas classificações doutrinárias, o momento em que deverão ser analisados e qual efeito que sua ausência pode trazer ao processo, propiciando assim material capaz de auxiliar estudos mais profundos e avançados sobre o tema e suas ramificações dentro do direito processual civil”.; “The apprehension of abstract concepts requires bigger efforts than the apprenticeship of tangible concepts, since the knowledge, in contrary of those, is realized with the help of senses like smelling, tasting, touching and mainly vision. Maybe this is the explanation of so many improprieties on the interpretation and application of concepts such as action, process, condition of action, procedural presuppositions and many other abstract concepts of Procedural Civil Law. The ignorance of such subjects by the law operators can bring serious damage to the process and to the litigant parts besides causing a bad utilization of Judiciary System, which spends most of its precious time on invalid and inapt processes to the well-deserving exam, instead of taking care of more important issues. The reason for the choice of this theme had not as a goal to present recent innovations on legislation or to come up with issues of high doctrinal investigation, but only to show a simple and clear sketch of the conditions of action and procedural presuppositions. The work begins with a brief notion of concepts of action and action rights to, after doing a study on each one of the conditions od action and procedural presuppositions, describe what they are, their doctrinal classifications, the moment they should be analyzed and the effects their absence can bring to the process thus providing the material which will be able to help out with deeper and advanced studies about the theme and its branching inside the Procedural Civil Law”.

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