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dc.contributor.authorLobo, Arthur Mendespt_BR
dc.identifier.citationRevista Brasileira de Direito Processual: RBDPro, Belo Horizonte, v. 27, n. 108, p. 19-34, out./dez. 2019.pt_BR
dc.titleA instauração de Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas (IRDR) ou de Incidente de Assunção de Competência (IAC) com pedido de declaração de inconstitucionalidade de lei federal usurparia a competência do Supremo Tribunal Federal? = Would a request involving the uncontitutionality of a federal encroach the competence of the Supreme Federal Court if made by an establishment of an Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands (IRDR) or an Incident of Competence Undertaking (IAC)?pt_BR
dc.title.alternativeWould a request involving the uncontitutionality of a federal encroach the competence of the Supreme Federal Court if made by an establishment of an Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands (IRDR) or an Incident of Competence Undertaking (IAC)?-
dc.typeArtigo de revistapt_BR
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