Trata da hermenêutica, sua origem, história e aplicação no campo do Direito. A elaboração moderna e ainda atual do que se pode chamar de abordagem clássica da hermenêutica jurídica é devida, principalmente, ao professor alemão, do Século XIX, Savigny, que distinguiu os métodos gramatical, filológico, histórico e sistemático, enquanto uma contribuição posterior, de Rudolph von Jhering, a introdução do método teleológico. A grande novidade em matéria de hermenêutica jurídica, no entanto, são os novos métodos da chamada interpretação constitucional, com destaque para a preservação dos direitos fundamentais.; Hermeneutics is a discipline of philosophical origin that, in modern times, approached Law by means of its insertion and development in other disciplines like theology and philology. The modern and current constitution of what is called the classical approach of legal hermeneutics is due mainly to the 19th century German professor F. C. Von Savigny, who distinguished the grammatical, philological, historical and systematic methods. A later contribution, by Rudolph von Jhering, was the introduction of the teleological method, whose more radical form became known as the sociological method. Higher emphases on some of these methods will introduce an opposition between subjective and objective conceptions in the interpretation of Law, which is to be overcome in an approach updated by the semiological/semiotic resources of the analytical perspective in contemporary philosophy. The novelty in terms of legal hermeneutics, however, is the new methods of the so-called specifically constitutional interpretation, which leads to a re-interpretation when the application of the Law based on traditional hermeneutics leads to a threat to the constitutional foundations of Law, mainly the preservation of fundamental rights, avoiding collisions between them that may make them unviable, by the incidence of the proportionality principle.